Job Opportunities for Foreign Language Teachers
Padlet | Careers for Language Educators
Job postings are added regularly to the Padlet below. They are organized by columns (“shelves”) according to context. Newest posts appear at the top.
Want us to add a job opportunity? Email the information to: with Careers in the subject line.
We manage a closed group on LinkedIn for MAFLT students, alumni, faculty, and colleagues. Job openings that appear on LinkedIn are frequently forwarded to that group.

Latest Posts | Jobs and Career Resources
Explore these sites for current positions available and advice for job seekers in our field.

Alternative Routes to Certification for US Public Schools
Language teachers can be successful in many different instructional contexts, but for U.S. public schools, you need certification that is specific to each state. Explore options and opportunities here.

ACTFL Job Central
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages

Modern Language Association Career Resources

Job Openings: Duolingo Remote Work
Duolingo Current Job Openings: Japanese Content WriterFreelance – Temporary Click here to access this job opening. Location: Remote WorkDuolingo HQ is in Pittsburgh, PA
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