What is an Experiential Module?
- Capstone project for MAFLT Program – bring together what you have learned and create something meaningful for you and other teachers.
- Students enroll in 5 credits of FLT 885 to plan and complete the project.
- Designed by the student, supervised by a dedicated faculty mentor whose skills and interests align with your project.
- Many possible types – intended to draw from your experience and serve your professional goals.
- Generates evidence of your work and skills to be shared in your portfolio.
Explore the Collection of Completed EM Projects
Search the showcase by EM project type, target language, or features of the project. Most of them offer resources you can download and use in your own teaching. Click below to go to that site:
Are you preparing to start your EM?
For Current MAFLT Students
It is important to begin preparing for your Experiential Module at least a full semester prior to the point when you want to enroll in FLT 885 and work on your project.
EM Resources
- Updated instructions and links: OneNote > Preparing for Your EM
- EM Descriptions and Procedures: Start with the EM Module Overview in the D2L MAFLT Community.
- EM Application Form: See How to Enroll or FLT Admin Forms (sharepoint.com) > Due by prior semester mid-point
- Alumni Experiential Modules See links to Portfolios on the public website
Experiential Module Project Types
Action Research Project
Materials or Curriculum Design
Teaching Practicum
Professional Seminars on Language Teaching
Self-Designed Module
Ethnographic Research Project
Language or Area Studies Immersion
Program Evaluation and Administration
Community Outreach/Service Learning
Conference Participation & Professionalization
Highlights from Experiential Modules
Experiential Modules are 5-credit projects that students develop near the end of the MAFLT program. They are designed and carried out under the personal supervision of a faculty member.
The handouts below can be downloaded. Where available, links will take you to presentations, syllabi, classroom activities, and other materials created by these MAFLT students. Many students post their EM outcomes as part of their Final Portfolios.

Rachel Emery – Self-Designed Project focusing on instruction of intercultural competence with a graded reader (which Rachel also authored)