maflt courses - how to enroll
Instructions and Advice
Next steps vary depending on your current student status, interests, and timing.
Click for details:
Need Permission?
If you are trying to enroll yourself using the Student Information System (SIS) at student.msu.edu and it says you need permission, please submit your request using our internal Special Enrollment Request form.
The Program Director and Academic Coordinator will be notified and will respond via email.
Waitlists or Overrides
master of arts Program
Get Started on Your Master’s Degree
The best way to start taking MAFLT courses is to apply to the MAFLT!
Learn more about applying to the MAFLT:
Already have a master’s degree? Looking for another option? Keep scrolling…
Lifelong or Continuing Education
Take a Course for Continuing Education or PD Hours
If you are interested in the topics of FLT courses and need graduate-level credit hours for continuing education requirements (CEUs or SCECHs), you can enroll in courses through MSU Lifelong Learning or through our Graduate Certificate program.
Why choose the Graduate Certificate rather than Lifelong? The Lifelong application is brief, but you will pay up to 40% more in tuition. The Certificate is available alone or in conjunction with another MSU graduate degree. Complete 3 courses of your choice. Courses can also count toward the MAFLT Program.
Current MAFLT Students
Already admitted? Choose from Upcoming Courses
If you have been accepted to the Master of Arts or Graduate Certificate program in Foreign Language Teaching, refer to the Program Handbook and the Course Planning Chart you discussed with the Program Director. You can go to the Student Information System (SIS) during the time period when enrollment is available, click Class Search, and enroll yourself in your planned courses. MSU provides a detailed guide to using the new system here: https://sis.msu.edu/help/students.
If you are enrolling in FLT 885 Experiential Modules or FLT 898 Final Portfolios, see further instructions in the Program Handbook and on our internal MAFLT Students sites.
Other MSU Students
Take a MAFLT Course as an Elective or Add On the FLT Certificate
Graduate students in many other masters or doctoral programs at MSU can take FLT courses as electives. Departments where this is possible include LiLaC, RCS, and Teacher Education. If you have 9 credits available, you can complete the Graduate Certificate in Foreign Language Teaching as a supplement to your main graduate program. You do not need to fill out a separate application in the MSU system. Refer to your program’s requirements and discuss options with your advisor and the MAFLT Program Director.
Start the Certificate - New Form!
If you are new to MSU, learn about the Certificate pathway here:
If you are enrolled in another graduate program at MSU…
You do NOT need to submit a separate MSU application to start the Graduate Certificate in Foreign Language Teaching.
Fill out this form to request info and update your advisor ->
special enrollments
If you see a notification that the course is full, that you need an override or permission, or that you should contact us for more information, please contact the program at maflt@cal.msu.edu and also fill out our internal Special Enrollments Request Form (button below). Based on enrollment, you may receive permission to enroll immediately or you may be added to a waitlist for that course. The Program Director and/or Academic Coordinator will contact you and provide further instructions.
enrollment FAQs
FAQs – Additional Topics and Situations including GradPlan
What is GradPlan?
When you choose your courses, follow the Course Planning Chart that you created in your first advising appointment with the Program Director. As of 2021, you are now expected to enter your plan in SIS under GradPlan. MSU provides instructions in this downloadable guide: GradPlan – Student View. We also provide further guidance in the D2L MAFLT Community.
What if your plan changes?
If you need to change your course schedule or un-enroll from a course, you can usually make those changes yourself. You can also change your GradPlan. However, we strongly recommend that you make an appointment for advising (see maflt.marcom.cal.msu.edu/program-director) and submit an updated version of your Course Planning Chart.
What if the class you want is full?
Current MAFLT students and others may ask to be added to the waitlist for a course that is listed as full. With sufficient demand, we will add a section or raise the maximum number of students (and add a course assistant). In these cases, you should fill out the Special Enrollments Form and also send an email to maflt@cal.msu.edu. Keep in mind that we will try to accommodate you, but filling out the request does not guarantee that we will be able to do so.
Enrolling in FLT 885 Experiential Modules or FLT 898 Final Portfolios
Only MAFLT students can enroll in FLT 885. Only MAFLT and FLT Certificate students can enroll in FLT 898. You may need an override or permission in SIS to enroll. However, there are further steps to take that are explained in the D2L MAFLT Community and Handbook.
- For FLT 885, you should fill out the EM Application form and make an advising appointment before trying to enroll. See MAFLT SharePoint and D2L Community. Links here: Current Student Resources.
- For FLT 898 Final Portfolio (Comprehensive Exam), you should be in your last semester of the program. Make sure you have also applied for graduation through the MSU Registrar’s Office! More information at: Advanced Degrees | Commencement (msu.edu).