Our faculty regularly present at ACTFL, AAAL, NCOLCTL, CALICO, MIWLA, Central States, SCOLT, and other state, regional and national conferences. Students and alumni have presented with faculty and on their own at these and other conferences.
Click on the presentations below to access descriptions and resources from our presentations, including videos, slides, useful links, and other resources.
Foreign Language Excellence Exchange

Student-Faculty Presentations

SCOLT 2023
Betty Brown & Bruna Sommer-Farias
MIWLA 2022
Make virtual community a reality: Strategies for teacher networking
Lanier, A., Brown, B., Henderson, T., & Schmidt, T.
Central States 2022
Department of one: How isolated language teachers cope and collaborate
Jaime Danks & Amanda Lanier
ACTFL 2021
Ecology and Vitality of Language Programs:
Advocating for Japanese language teaching
Brown, B., Himata Paris, Y., Whiting-Kipper, T., and Lanier, A.
ACTFL 2019
Making Authentic Texts Comprehensible with Corpus Analysis Tools
Presenters: Amanda Lanier, Agnieszka Makles, Courtney Mayes, & Maggie Rutkowski
Access slides and resources here: Google Site
ACTFL 2019
Reaching Intercultural Competence with Story-Based Methods
Presenters: Rachel Emery, Bill Langley, & Amanda Lanier
Access slides and resources here: Google Site
Cultivating Intercultural Competence Before, During, and After Immersion
Presenters: Young Oak Morgan and Amanda Lanier
Access slides and videos here: Google Site
Presentations with Dr. Lanier – Reference List
Lanier, A., Brown, B., Henderson, T., & Schmidt, T. (October, 2022). Make virtual community a reality: Strategies for teacher networking. Michigan World Language Association (MIWLA).
Danks, J. & Lanier, A. (March, 2022). Department of one: How isolated language teachers cope and collaborate. Central States Conference on Teaching Foreign Languages (CSCTFL).
Brown, B., Himata Paris, Y., Whiting-Kipper, T., and Lanier, A. (November, 2021). Ecology and vitality of language programs: Advocating for Japanese language teaching. Paper at American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Virtual Convention & Expo. Access materials at: sites.google.com/msu.edu/ecology-vitality-actfl2021/home
Lanier, A., Makles, A., Mayes, C., & Rutkowski, M. (November, 2019). Learner autonomy and authentic texts. Paper at American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) in Washington, D.C.
Emery, R., Langley, B., & Lanier, A. (November, 2019). Reaching intercultural competence with story-based methods. Paper at American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) in Washington, D.C.
Lanier, A. &
Andrews, A. (March, 2019). Comprehensible input vs standardized testing: what
can learners achieve? Paper at the Southeast Conference on Language Teaching
(SCOLT) in Myrtle Beach, SC.
Morgan, Y., &
Lanier, A. (April, 2018). Promoting intercultural competence before, during,
and after language immersion. Paper accepted for presentation at the National
Council for Less-Commonly-Taught Languages in Herndon, VA.
Other Student Presentations (to be updated)
Kari Seymour and Andrew Burke – Extempore Extravaganza 2023
Joe Leibson (Class of 2016) presented his work on the use of NearPod in the classroom at the 2015 ACTFL convention in San Diego. For more details, watch his video presentation here.
Tammy Schmidt
Francesca Regalado