Diverse Languages | Diverse Learners | Diverse Teachers

Read the news item about these fellowships: NEW Fellowships to Promote Linguistic Diversity
Linguistic Diversity Recruitment Fellowships
$2100 will be awarded to each of up to 5 incoming students each semester
Who is eligible? Applicants must meet the admissions criteria for the MAFLT Program and also have two or more years of teaching experience and proficiency of at least Intermediate-High (for LCTLs) or Advanced-Low on the ACTFL scale or at least B1 on the CEFR scale. Priority will be given to applicants who are:
- Teachers of a less-commonly-taught language (What is a less-commonly-taught language?)
- Teachers of heritage language learners
- Members of an under-represented population, i.e., language educators in the U.S. who are black, indigenous, or people of color (BIPOC)
How do I apply? When you complete your application for the MAFLT Program, indicate in your Academic Statement that you want to be considered for this financial aid opportunity. Also, under additional documentation, submit a form using the template provided. Recipients will be selected each semester when the Admissions Committee reviews all current applications.
How do I receive the fellowship? The amount will pay for a total of 3 credits in your first three semesters. The $700 grant will be transferred into your account. You must be enrolled in at least one course for the current semester in order to receive this amount.

Download the Form
Instructions and due dates for MAFLT applications are provided at https://maflt.cal.msu.edu/admissions. We also encourage you to start a conversation with us by sending an email to maflt@cal.msu.edu.
Linguistic Diversity Completion Fellowships
$4200 will be awarded per Experiential Module project selected for the annual fellowship
What projects will be considered? These fellowships will be distributed to projects that are specifically intended to support the teaching of less-commonly-taught languages (LCTLs) and the teaching of heritage language learners in and beyond your own classroom and context. Typically, these projects will be designed to meet an existing need by designing materials, instructional sequences, online modules, assessments, or teacher training experiences that will be shared as open educational resources (OERs).
How do I apply? To apply for a fellowship that will pay for the course credits as you complete your Experiential Module and Final Portfolio, you must complete the Experiential Module Application by the announced due date prior to the semester in which you want to begin your EM (TBA), indicate on the application that you wish to be considered for the fellowship, and also complete the application in sufficient detail and quality to demonstrate that your project will support linguistic diversity and that you will be able to complete and share it within the proposed time frame. Also, one of the core faculty members or an affiliated faculty member must agree to mentor you as you work on the project and provide a letter of recommendation in support of your application for the fellowship. Reach the EM Application through the D2L MAFLT Community or the MAFLT Students group in Teams or SharePoint. See: Current Student Resources.
Questions? Send an email to maflt@cal.msu.edu.