Want to help us facilitate a MAFLT Meetup?
Facilitate a discussion sometime this semester
You need to know how GatherTown and Padlet work and have enough FLT background to guide and document the conversation. You do not need to give a presentation or line up people to present. Just encourage participants to talk about that week’s prompt, and make sure that some record of what your group talked about ends up on the Padlet. We will be leaving the Padlets open between Meetups and sending updates with ideas and recommended resources from the attendees. Tell us your availability for upcoming dates, and we will follow up.
Share examples, techniques, or materials
Would you like to share an example from your teaching, a technique, or resources that will help other teachers incorporate some aspect of “play” into their classrooms and programs? We can give you a few minutes to present what you do to the other attendees – maybe the whole group, maybe one breakout group (the discussion mats). If you have links, recommended reading, materials you use, etc., then it would be great to let us include those in the next Meetup update. Tell us your availability for upcoming dates, and we will follow up.