Focusing on Typing in Chinese Instruction
Frederick Poole In June, I participated in the 12th International Conference and Workshops on Technology and Chinese Language Teaching. I was part of a panel with three other speakers: Matt…
Frederick Poole In June, I participated in the 12th International Conference and Workshops on Technology and Chinese Language Teaching. I was part of a panel with three other speakers: Matt…
The Fall 2023 issue of The Language Educator features an article by the core faculty of the MAFLT Program in which we describe our approach to teacher development in the ViVID Project.
The National LCTL Resource Center and the ViVID Project Professional Development for Instructors of Less-Commonly-Taught Languages ACTFL Special Interest Group Webinar | June 29, 2023 Presenters: Dr. Emily Heidrich Uebel…
NCOLCTL 2023 | Expanding LCTL Teacher Development via Virtual Video-based Inquiry: The ViVID Project
Our colleagues in the NLRC have announced the Summer 2023 lineup of their free 3-week Online Language Teaching Courses. Details on the NLRC website: Teaching the Whole Class: Technology…
NCOLCTL 2023 | Expanding LCTL Teacher Development via Virtual Video-based Inquiry: The ViVID Project How will the NLRC affect the MAFLT Program? Read about the teacher development project led by Dr. Sommer-Farias, Dr. Poole, and Dr. Lanier: The ViVID Project Watch for new…
How language departments can collaborate and grow as a community despite the differences between target languages. | Extempore Extravaganza 2022
Why learn a world language? Advocacy Resources @MSU_MAFLT
New Fellowships! Promoting Diversity in Languages, Learners, and Teachers