Fall 2022 Semester
What courses are we offering in Fall 2022? Have you enrolled?
Second Language Acquisition (SLA), proficiency, intercultural competence, task-based language teaching, authentic materials, interaction, gamification, sociolinguistics, digital literacy, genre, assessment, implicit vs. explicit, motivation and engagement... Are there terms, ideas, concepts,…
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages jobcentral.actfl.org/jobseekers
How language departments can collaborate and grow as a community despite the differences between target languages. | Extempore Extravaganza 2022
https://careers.duolingo.com/ https://careers.duolingo.com/?freelance#openings
https://www.languagemagazine.com/jobs/ languagemagazine.com/jobs
Why learn a world language? Advocacy Resources @MSU_MAFLT
International Association for Language Learning and Technology Graduate Student Discussion Group Open to all When? Every second Tuesday of every other month Where? Zoom First meeting: Show Me the Money:…