Teacher Isolation is Real, but are Virtual Networks the Answer?
IALLT 2023 | Amanda Lanier Are language teachers tapping into the potential of technology to reduce isolation and contribute to their growth as educators?
IALLT 2023 | Amanda Lanier Are language teachers tapping into the potential of technology to reduce isolation and contribute to their growth as educators?
You ask a lot of questions... we like that. Get some answers this summer. Courses available for continuing education as well as our graduate degree and certificate.
NCOLCTL 2023 | Expanding LCTL Teacher Development via Virtual Video-based Inquiry: The ViVID Project
Our colleagues in the NLRC have announced the Summer 2023 lineup of their free 3-week Online Language Teaching Courses. Details on the NLRC website: https://nlrc.msu.edu/olt/ Teaching the Whole Class: Technology…
What courses are available in Summer 2023? Have you enrolled yet?
NCOLCTL 2023 | Expanding LCTL Teacher Development via Virtual Video-based Inquiry: The ViVID Project
The Meetup theme this spring is Fun! Actually, the theme is: Incorporating Creativity, Play, and the Arts into Language Learning and Teaching. Last Thursday each month, 7pm Eastern.