Virtual Meetups in Fall 2022

Join us in GatherTown for virtual meetings to discuss important issues and make real connections. Open to anyone who is interested in promoting multilingualism and supporting language educators.

Click the Gather.Town image above to join the Meetup!

Alternating Wednesdays
8 pm Eastern to 9 (ish)

We aim for 30 minutes of structured time, and then you can linger and mingle!

The Midweek Meetups in GatherTown are back! We have enjoyed meeting with our current students every other week this way, so this semester we are opening the Meetups to anyone who is interested in language teaching and learning. Feel free to invite your friends, colleagues, supervisors, etc.! We will be structuring this fall’s events as a series of round table or panel discussions on topics related to advocacy and access, teacher recruitment and development, student recruitment and development, DEI, SEL, what is and isn’t available in terms of PD, heritage learners, collaboration across languages and disciplines, integrating technology in post-pandemic times, etc. Hope to see you there!

Gather works best on a computer in Chrome or Firefox

Topics in Fall 2022

  • September 14 – Welcome!
  • September 28 – How I Teach a LCTL at MSU
  • October 12 – How I Teach What Students Want to Learn
  • October 26 – How I Teach with Technology
  • November 9 – How I teach for Intercultural Competence
  • November 30 – How I Teach for the Real World
  • December 14 – How My Teaching Has Developed over Time

What is Gather.Town? How do I get started?

Gather.Town, the virtual meeting platform, works best on a computer, not a tablet or phone! Best browsers are Chrome and Firefox, but Edge or Safari will work.

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