Assessing Intercultural Competence – Extempore Extravaganza 2023

Looking forward to two presentations from the MAFLT Network – Dr. Lanier on using group reflections to assess intercultural competence, and grad students Andrew Burke and Kari Seymour on using portfolios to assess proficiency and encourage self-evaluation in your language learners.

Assessing Intercultural Competence
with Group Reflections

Session Description | Presented by Dr. Amanda Lanier

Even if you are successfully integrating language and culture in your courses and cultivating intercultural competence, it can be difficult to track the development of ICC skills and attitudes of ICC over time. Reflection prompts are essential to assessing ICC and raising learners’ awareness of their own growth. In this session, we will clarify the components of ICC, apply a process-based framework for planning ICC tasks, and experiment with a smooth and sustainable way to assess ICC through group reflections using rooms and rubrics in Extempore. You will be able to use the model assessment as a template and adapt it to assess learner development in your own intercultural language activities.

Try the Group Activity

(It’s okay if you are in the “room” alone!)

and Reflect on the Session!

Links and Resources

Wakelet Collection: Integrating Culture and Language

LinguaFolio Training Module 5: The Importance of Interculturality

NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements

Council of Europe: Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters

Global Competence

Bibliography: Intercultural Language Teaching & Assessment