ViVID Peer Mentoring – ACTFL 2024
The MAFLT Faculty presented insights and strategies from the ViVID Project in a session titled "Peer Mentoring Through Video-Based Observations: Frameworks and Strategies"
The MAFLT Faculty presented insights and strategies from the ViVID Project in a session titled "Peer Mentoring Through Video-Based Observations: Frameworks and Strategies"
Dr. Bruna Sommer Farias describes her approach to genre pedagogy - and the article that our alumna Blair Richards published about it in FLTMAG!
Friday, April 5th, 2024 | Virtual event in Gathertown featuring alumni James Goetschius, Petra Jones, and Anna Moore | Watch the video and join us live next year!
The Fall 2023 issue of The Language Educator features an article by the core faculty of the MAFLT Program in which we describe our approach to teacher development in the ViVID Project.
With Keynote Session Featuring Dr. Bruna Sommer Farias and Dustin De Felice
The National LCTL Resource Center and the ViVID Project Professional Development for Instructors of Less-Commonly-Taught Languages ACTFL Special Interest Group Webinar | June 29, 2023 Presenters: Dr. Emily Heidrich Uebel…
NCOLCTL 2023 | Expanding LCTL Teacher Development via Virtual Video-based Inquiry: The ViVID Project
The Meetup theme this spring is Fun! Actually, the theme is: Incorporating Creativity, Play, and the Arts into Language Learning and Teaching. Last Thursday each month, 7pm Eastern.